Our Blog Merchant page

Our blog merchant page at Ultimate Leadership Training UK is where you'll find all our up to date blogs and tips to build a high performing team and all our trainers and management and leadership bloggers speak from bloody nose experience not "Ivory tower Philosophy"

Hi, Thanks for visiting our web site and for reading our blogs, we really appreciate it and we hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy producing and delivering them. 

As you know we write and deliver leadership, management, coaching and HR training courses; as well as publishing leadership and management literature. 

The courses we write sell all over the world and (as a company) we deliver the courses (as well as talk at conferences) all over the UK and mainland Europe. 

Our products at a glance:

Re-charging the batteries

We always welcome any feedback, comments and questions about your leadership, management, coaching and HR needs. Is there a specific course you would like one of our leadership and management specialists to design for you? 

We have designed management programs which range from one day training sessions to 24 month programs. We've designed powerful introduction to management, leadership, coaching and HR course and more advanced. 

We've delivered our leadership skills sessions to team leaders and company board directors. Whether you buy and deliver the course yourself or book one of our qualified trainers to deliver it for you, the experience and knowledge they bring to the table is second to none. 

When you buy one of our training courses, you receive:

  • The comprehensive and easy to follow tutor notes
  • The PowerPoint slides (which don't have the tutor notes on) funnily enough we put that info on the tutor notes (I know genius)
  • A copy of the slides and space for delegates to make notes
  • All the relevant handouts or workbooks (some course have workbooks and some have handouts)
  • The relevant activities that suit the course. 
  • We also set after course work. Some call it homework - we call it "workwork". This holds the learners accountable for the actions they agree to achieve after the session finishes. 
  • You can also contact one of our trainers with any questions you may have.

We also deliver a fantastic train the trainer course which ranges from one day to five days. 

Again, thank you for spending some time on our site and Blog Merchant page we hope you come to visit again soon!

Thanks for visiting our blog merchant page, here's a link to our homepage. If you've enjoyed reading our Blogs on the blog merchant page you may be interested in our leadership, management, coaching and HR E-books

As well as lots of smaller businesses and organisations, below are examples of some larger organisations who have received training from our director of learning at Ultimate Leadership Training:

spring care


Gatwick School



Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team