The maze

Just £25.00

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The maze is an absence management training tool designed for HR managers and trainers to use during their training sessions and/or managers to use during team meetings. It tests the teams knowledge, attitudes and Emotional Intelligence.  

This is a training tool with the intention of promoting change and creating a new mind set in the way managers and supervisory staff view issues relating to Conduct and Capability.

You instruct your learners that the maze begins with a statement of a problem they are having with one of your team, Bobby Richards. Your learners in the session assume the role of Bobby's manager/supervisor.

They need to work as a team and agree (sometimes difficult) on the next step the team should take. 

The path down which the learners proceed can and will differ from that of others. There is no “one path” to follow – just as there is no one path to follow in real life situations, because every person and every situation you will face as a manager is different from the next. But the path they move down will depend on their attitudes and actions at each point and - they do have a choice.

There are several outcomes within this 40 page training tool and all the outcomes make great topics for discussion, group learning and individual reflection. It's got a bit of everything, it's fun, a great story that's relevant in all working environment and your team will love it.  

The Maze is one of the 73 activities in our Big Book of Training Games and Team Building Activities which costs just £67