When you buy our one day recruitment and selection training course, you receive all the training materials including tutor notes, handouts, activities and powerpoint slides. You can be confident that the material in this powerful training course works well as it has been successfully delivered to some of the largest companies and organisations in the UK and mainland Europe - It really will highlight the importance of pre-screening and competency based question techniques - if you're looking to reduce staff attrition and build a high performing team, then this interview techniques training course is for you. This is possibly the best recruitment and selection training course you will ever find and it's only £299 - yours to keep. |
You get the following:
The Recruitment and Selection Training Course, for you to buy, is just £99 and it includes all that is listed to the left. See further details below
Buy this course for £299
Why do we think our recruitment and selection training course is the best recruitment and selection training course for you and your team?
A. The tried and tested comprehensive trainer notes - explain what needs to be taught and at what time. The notes indicate the best times to have breaks and lunch, are easy to follow and packed with activities. B. The Power point slides - ARE NOT full of notes, funnily enough we put the notes on the tutor notes?! Most of the slides have relevant images for the visual learners and act as a backdrop to the discussions. C. Learner notes with the slides on - for the learners to make notes as you go |
![]() A great team in Alton. It's people like this take make our job enjoyable |
D. All the handouts - for this course include:
E. The activities - When you buy this recruitment and selection training course you also receive some great activities (in the tutor notes) to engage the learners and keep the energy high. This session kicks of with a great team communication activity (which is very revealing). It also focuses around and builds upto a practical interview activity where the learners can practice the techniques they learn.
The best recruitment and selection training course is broken down into four sessions.
After the introductions and housekeeping we go straight into a communication activity which has some great results. We then look at the cost of poor performance and try to put a price on it. Then we move on to why people leave an employer and work out team members motivations. |
After a short comfort break we have a look at the job description of a role the team are likely to interview for. This links in the session before the break. We also look at the skills of an interviewer and screen a CV |
After a well deserved lunch break we have a look at the interview process following a tried and tested model. Just before we break we look at the competencies for the job role that the team are likely to recruit for and some competency based questions that they could use. |
After our last quick comfort break it's interview time. The team is split into small groups and they go off and practice the techniques we've been discussing all day. We have a feedback session and then discuss the decision making process. |
Buy this course and all the materials for just £299
Contact one of the team for further information
Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team
Thanks for visiting our recruitment and selection training course web page, here's a link to our homepage. You may also be interested in further reading on the subject, we recommend Exceptional Talent: How to Attract, Acquire and Retain the Very Best Employees - here's a link