Appraisal skills Training for councils

Appraisal skills training for councils - our multi-award winning leadership and management specialist has worked for councils and trained council teams for many years, he understands how councils work, the language they use and how to motivate the learners. We are a training course provider with a global reach. The Leadership and management programs we write are changing the culture in some of the largest companies and councils around and our trainers and authors are all specialists in their field and experienced business owners, team leaders and managers.

Contact us for further information

Welcome to The Ultimate Leadership Training Consultancy 

Nottingham Council House (Because that's where I studied) courtesy of pixabay 

Appraisal Skills Training For Councils

Our appraisal skills training course will equip your managers and team leaders with the key skills to evaluate their teams performance and promote a more positive atmosphere.

Call them check-ins, catchups or whatever, they are still appraisals and managers should embrace their power if they want to create high performing self directed teams - and this course will help them. 

It's a fact that most managers, in the UK, would rather dismiss an underperforming team member than appraise them. You see they're afraid of the "difficult conversation" or the negative after-vibes. Our appraisal skills training course fits with an annual performance management system so there are no difficult conversations - we make it easy and straight forward - Team members love them. 

Course Objectives (These are flexible):

  • Explain how great performance appraisals benefit the council
  • Give constructive and motivational feedback 
  • Commit to develop own one to one skills
  • Deliver feedback on poor performance
  • Implement a plan to appraise the team
  • Hold structured conversational performance appraisals with your team

Contact one of the team for further information and our prices. 

Recent Clients Include

Some Recent Feedback

"There has been so much I’ve gained from this session it is hard to list. The main thing I have taken from the training is greater confidence and motivation to be a great manager". 

"Adrian, you should bring your skills to the council as a “trouble shooter” Please come back again". 

Sarah – (Planning Team Manager) – Greater Cambridge Planning Department

What a great day in Leadership Training yesterday with our management team. Thank you to Adrian Close for an inspiring training session. Some great takeaways I'd like to share:

  • Don't manage your time, manage your energy
  • What you permit, you promote
  • Don't expect them to change for you, change for them

By understanding the different personality types and behaviours in your team, can help you work together better to achieve that one centric goal.

Lydia - Marketing Manager at Nimbus Hosting, Hertford

Click here to see more testimonials

Appraisal Skills Training for Councils - Contact us for more information

Appraisal Skills Training For Councils

As well as lots of smaller businesses and organisations, below are examples of some larger organisations who have received training from our director of learning at Ultimate Leadership Training:

spring care


Gatwick School



Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team

Thank you for visiting our Appraisal skills training for councils page, here is a link to our homepage. At the end of the Appraisal skills course we advise the learners to read the One minute manager and high performing teams. Click here for further information.