Management Skills eBook

In this management skills eBook you'll discover the nuggets I have discovered over the 20 (or so??!) years managing large teams and successful businesses

Just £19.99

Hi thanks for your interest in my management books page, you’ve either sat and completed one of my 12-month leadership masterclasses (and got it for free) or found it online/LinkedIn and thought it could help you resolve an issue you have managing your team. And well done for opening it, Keep Educating Yourself is KEY to running a successful business or team and moving it forwards.

So why write the book in the first place? I wrote it for a couple of reasons:

  • Firstly, it’s a compilation of the notes and discussions with many teams from all different industries I have made and had during the 12-month action focused leadership program and it complements the Leadership reflective logbook I wrote, which all learners receive at the beginning of the program.
  • Secondly, because I’ve read hundreds of books over the years. Some are really helpful, some are hugely motivational, but not many have given me the tools to go and resolve an issue tomorrow. They promote creative thinking which is great if you have the time, but actually “I have a team member who's pissing me off right now and bringing the team down, what can I do”?  Well you could read the building a high performing team part of the book and learn how to change your management style and the person who needs developing where you will find the answers, the actions in there will help you – almost instantaneously.

If you're not convinced contact one of the team and we will set up a Zoom call to talk you through it in more detail